To enable ntp in rasberry pi use the following command:
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo timedatectl set-ntp true
To disable ntp in rasberry pi use the following command:
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo timedatectl set-ntp false
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo timedatectl Local time: Sat 2021-03-13 16:08:04 IST Universal time: Sat 2021-03-13 10:38:04 UTC RTC time: Fri 2021-03-12 09:42:07 Time zone: Asia/Kolkata (IST, +0530) System clock synchronized: no NTP service: inactive RTC in local TZ: no pi@raspberrypi:~ $
Or u You can use the following command to see the status:
self.changeDate = "2021-03-13"
self.changeTime = "16:15:59"
def setClockOk(self): print("++++ Changing Time and Date+"+str(self.changeDate)+" ++++++ "+str(self.changeTime)+"+++++") "sudo hwclock --set --date '" + str(self.changeDate) + " " + str(self.changeTime) + "'", shell=True) "sudo hwclock --hctosys", shell=True)
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